Bajan Fire Fighters Network - Web Portal


Welcome to the Bajan Fire Fighters Network Portal, the ultimate focal point for our volunteers interested in humanitarian charitable endeavours and public safety initiatives.
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Information and Communications Technology

Team Leaders: Mr. Karl Weber / Mr. Jamar Millar / Mr. Glyne Alleyne - Having a team of trained individuals to provide ICT support is critical to our charity's operations. Our ability to...

Members: 24
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Approval required

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Smoke Alarm Distribution & Installation

Team Leaders: Mr. Andre Patrick / Mr. Jamar Millar - As an ongoing initiative, we procure donations of smoke detectors (smoke alarms) and willingly assist with the distribution and installat...

Members: 50
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Instant

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Community Organisations Response to Emergencies (C.O.R.E)

Team Leaders: Mr. Alvin Sandiford / Mr. Ryan Glasgow - C.O.R.E. is a free disaster and emergency preparedness and response training programme provided by the Bajan Fire Fighters Network. COR...

Members: 28
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Approval required

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Youth Explorer Programme

Team Leaders: Ms. Amanda Emtage / Ms. Bethany Alleyne - The Youth Explorer Programme was created to assist in developing our youth. The programme is executed in collaboration with other supp...

Members: 60
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Instant

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Humanitarian Assistance Response Programme (Project H.A.R.P)

Team Leaders: Mr. Glyne Alleyne / Mr. Carlos Bishop - H.A.R.P. is a community programme initiated by our organisation to readily assist in the aftermath of natural disasters and man-made cal...

Members: 49
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Approval required

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Public Safety Awareness

Team Leaders: Mr. Kevin Sobers / Mr. Jason Collins / Mr. Whitfield Harris - Public safety education and awareness are pivotal functions of our organisation. Conducting periodic community vis...

Members: 58
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Instant

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Red Barrel Appeal – Food Bank Drive

Team Leaders: Mr. Kevin Padmore / Mr. Dwayne Lashley - Our organisation coordinates and collects non-perishable food items in support of the Food Bank by encouraging members of the public to...

Members: 68
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Instant

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Digital & Social Media

Team Leaders: Ms. Krystal Bowen / Ms. Olivia Gittens / Mr. Kevin Sobers - Our charity utilises digital and social media in a variety of ways to further our charity's purposes. We primarily harnes...

Members: 25
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Approval required

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Community Risk Reduction Campaign

Team Leaders: Mr. Dwayne Lashley / Mr. Glyne Alleyne - The campaign is executed by our volunteers conducting periodic community visits, risk assessments, distribution of public safety and ri...

Members: 62
New membership: Open
Enrollment: Instant

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